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Saturday, August 6, 2011

just Potter-Ring around

I am absolutely in love with LotR (Lord of the Rings) and other brilliant Tolkien works. I also adore J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter series. Both according to me are incomparable works of creative genius. They are two different genres of books addressing (and enticing) two different types of readers. Both are rich in detail and both paint vivid pictures of fantasy-fiction in the readers' minds. After reading (and reading and re-reading) both the series, about a zillion times, I am forced to admit to some similarities between the two.

1) Hogwarts is Harry's 'Shire'
2) Attention to detail: the Weasley/Black family tree vs the shire-folks' family trees
3) Who is more powerful: Dumbledore or Gandalf?
4) Who is darker: Sauron or Voldemort?
5) Aragorn-Legolas-Gimli team vs. Harry-Hermoine-Ron team.
6) Gandalf is to Frodo what Dumbledore is to Harry
7) Moria vs. the Cave on the rocks.
8) Eowyn-Aragorn vs. Hermoine-Krum
9) Aragorn's mom vs. Harry's mom.
10) Boromir vs. Marietta.
11) Fellowship of the Ring vs. Dumbledore's Army/Order of the Phoenix.
12) The Old Forest/Fangorn Forest vs. The Forbidden Forest.
13) Brego was to Aragorn what Buckbeak was to Sirius
14) flying Nazgul vs. flying Voldemort & Death eaters
15) Eagles in LoTR/Hobbit vs. Thestrals/Hippogrifs in Potter books - both helpful in battle/emergency transport.
16) Was the One Ring Sauron's Horcrux?
17) Phoenix-core wand is to Harry what Sting is to Frodo.
18) Grindelwald preceeds Voldemort as dark wizard in the potter books; Morgoth preceeds Sauron in Tolkien books - all 4 appeared to be good & turned bad later.
19) Shelob vs. Aragog.
20) Gandalf's dragon vs. Fred's & George's dragon (fireworks)?
21) 'Lights' in the Dead Marshes vs. Inferi in the Cave.
22) Pranksters: Merry & Pippin vs. Weasley Twins.

23) Round-faced & fearful: Fatty Bolger vs. Neville Longbottom.
24) Gay-couple: Legolas-Gimli vs. Dumbledore-Grindelwald.
25) Teams: Bilbo + 13 Dwarves with 3 Trolls (The Hobbit) vs. Harry + Hermoine + Ron with 1 Troll.
26) Pathetic position: Gollum or Winky
27) Better betraying the bad guy's trust: Saruman or Regulus
28) Final Battles: Before the Black Gate vs. Battle of Hogwarts
29) Prophecies: Malbeth the seer vs. the 2 Trelawney women.
30) Forced to consort with the bad guys: Wormtail Wormtongue vs. Draco.

More questions will undoubtedly occur to me - I will post them on my blog as they arise...
I have to say this though, Tolkien came up with the tale of one Horcrux being destroyed & Rowling came up with a story of seven such things being destroyed and I am glad to have had the pleasure of reading both.

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